Everything You Need to Know About Microsoft Windows

What is Microsoft Windows?

If you’ve used a PC in the last thirty years, you’ve heard of Microsoft Windows. Although originally released in 1985 as a response to rising interest in the user interface portion of software development, it’s grown tremendously since the 1980s. Keep reading to learn everything there is to know about Microsoft Windows.

What Does User Interface Mean?

Before we can dive right into Microsoft Windows, let’s break down some of the jargon people use in the tech industry. For example, what’s the definition of a user interface how does it relate to Microsoft Windows?

  • User interface is essentially the relationship between users and the computer system they’re using.
  • It more simply refers to the point of human-computer contact and interaction.
  • It’s generally used interchangeably with less user-friendly terms such as graphical user interface.

How Did Microsoft Windows Start?

When a complex system like Microsoft Windows has continuously and successfully come out with new and improved versions, you might be curious about its humble beginnings. Let’s dig into the history of Microsoft Windows with a few pivotal stages:

  • Though released in 1985, Microsoft began developing Microsoft Windows in 1981 to address user interface concerns.
  • Microsoft intended to develop a high-performing product that would strengthen the relationship between users and the computer systems they used.
  • The long journey to Microsoft Windows started with Microsoft’s program, Interface Manager.
  • Microsoft honed this program and eventually released a family of operating systems known as the earliest version of Microsoft Windows: Windows 1.0.

How Has Microsoft Windows Evolved?

Over the next three decades, Microsoft continued refining the Microsoft Windows system to adapt to the times. Several variations of Microsoft Windows were bred from this initial family of systems, including:

  • Windows 2.0 and 2.1x
  • Windows 3.0, 3.1, and 3.2
  • Windows NT 3.1, 3.5, 3.51, and 4.0
  • Windows 95, 98, and 2000
  • Windows ME
  • Windows XP and XP Professional
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows 7, 8, and 8.1
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 11

While many of us remember all the Windows 10 publicity from a few years ago, the most recent version of Microsoft Windows used for tablets and PCs is Windows 11. However, we only dipped our toes into the list of versions of Microsoft Windows. Check out this detailed article to learn more about the history of Microsoft Windows and all of its varieties.

What Applications Work Best in Microsoft Windows?

Now that you’ve learned the version history of Microsoft Windows, you may be wondering what it’s used or optimized for. Microsoft Windows performs several important jobs for PC users with varying interests, but let’s look at five. Microsoft Windows allows users to easily do all of the following with just one system:

  1. Gain internet connection
  2. Store files
  3. Execute software
  4. Select and view videos
  5. Play computer games

And the list above is just a high-level overview. Click here to learn more about all you can do with Microsoft Windows.

What Are the Best Features of Windows 11?

As noted earlier, there are several versions of Microsoft Windows, with the most recent one being Windows 11. Let’s break down the best features of Microsoft Windows’ most recent version, Windows 11:

  • Android compatibility: It’s finally not all about Apple! The Amazon App Store makes it possible to easily download and use Android apps. Many of Windows 11’s features take mobile access into account to meet modern demands.
  • Voice-activated typing means you can easily multi-task if you need to eat and work or take a phone call and type.
  • Floating Start menu: your view is no longer limited to a single column and your recently used or installed photos, docs, and apps will pop up.
  • Intuitive Settings menu with familiar icons and write-ups explaining what it can help with makes troubleshooting a breeze.
  • Efficient updates up to 40% smaller, according to Microsoft, for more frequent updates that install quicker.
  • Built-in Microsoft Teams for quick and easy calls to colleagues, friends, and family.
  • Aesthetic lock screen: easily one of our favorite features of Windows 11 with the ability to personalize the simplified screen that appears after an extended time away from your computer or phone.
  • New and improved Action Center that allows for total media control across different apps.
  • Wi-Fi, battery, and volume button for easy brightness, volume, and mode adjustments with a single button selection.

While we covered some of the fan-favorite features of Microsoft Windows, we certainly didn’t call them all out! To learn more about Microsoft Windows and the Windows 11 features, check out this article.

How Do I Install Windows 11?

If you don’t already have Microsoft Windows or the latest version, Windows 11, we’re thrilled you want to reap the benefits! There are a few ways to install Microsoft Windows’ latest version, Microsoft 11, but we suggest following Microsoft’s recommendation by following these steps:

  1. Ensure your device meets the minimum requirements by reviewing this guide from Microsoft Support.
  2. Confirm your device is ready to upgrade from Windows 10 to Windows 11 by selecting Start.
  3. Then click Settings and find the Update & Security section with the update icon 🔄.
  4. Select Windows Update then click Check for Updates.

Because this is the method advertised by Microsoft, we suggest following the steps above for installing Microsoft Windows. If for whatever reason you’re not able to install Microsoft Windows this way, click here to learn the steps for an alternate method.

Learn More

If you’ve made it this far through the article, you’re practically a Microsoft Windows expert. And if you feel confident, but are still eager to learn more about Microsoft Windows, we suggest exploring some of these resources below:

  • Microsoft: Your most reliable source for all things related to Microsoft Windows.
  • Moo Soft: sheds light on this operating system with a general overview of Microsoft Windows.
  • LinkedIn: get expert tips and highlights on Microsoft Windows’ latest version, Windows 11, from your favorite business community.

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