What is Bootstrap

Bootstrap is one of the most popular open-source and free mobile-friendly frameworks. The design of this web development framework favors mobile-first websites.

Initially, before it became a free and open-source framework, it was known as Twitter Blueprint as it was designed by two employees at Twitter to be used as an internal tool for the social networking site.

Bootstrap contains numerous template designs for multiple computer programs, such as computer modals, forms, navigation, tables, typography, etc. The primary function of Bootstrap is to help developers quickly build new websites without spending much time developing standard or essential functions.

For performing multiple web-design functions, it contains CSS, JavaScript, and HTML codes. Most companies have a website landing page layout, which is why Bootstrap makes it easier for a web developer to create basic features of a website in less time.

So, if you want to create a responsive website design, here’s what you need to know about Bootstrap.

Features of Bootstrap

The following are the basic functions Bootstrap offers for its users.

  • Bootstrap makes the website interface optimized for use on all devices by letting you perform different adaptations. Even though the website is regulated according to user requirements, there’s no significant change in the layout.
  • The web development framework is compatible with all browsers such as Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, etc,
  • The framework comes in two versions: a variant based on source code or the precompiled version. The precompleted version is more preferred among experienced web developers.
  • It includes a predefined grid system. So, web developers do not have to waste time creating a personalized grid.
  • One of the two versions of Bootstrap; the source code variant, comes with a tool that lets you personalize the whole framework according to your requirements.
  • The Bootstrap interface is very accessible, which lets less experienced web designers easily access the framework. In addition, it is already encrypted with CSS, HTML, and JavaScript, so the user can utilize its functions without having much knowledge about the programs themselves.
  • You can download multiple plugins with Bootstrap to make website development easier.
  • Bootstrap lets you make website layouts flexible.
  • Bootstrap 4 templates have the reboot feature.
  • There are five classes in Bootstrap that make comprehensive and complex layouts easier to manage.
  • Bootstrap offers utilities for CSS Styling such as margin, color, padding, flex, text, display, etc.
  • The framework is equipped with several components that help you design your project efficiently. Some of these components are carousels, lists, dropdowns, etc.
  • Each new update of Bootstrap comes with multiple fixtures and additions that make the framework more accessible and efficient.
  • Bootstrap offers fast prototyping and complete responsiveness.

Skills Required to Use Bootstrap

There’s not much you need to know to use the framework which makes it the best web development tool for beginners. If you want to make some changes to the UI design as an experienced back-end developer, Bootstrap is the best platform for that.

Although you don’t have to know much, having basic knowledge of programs like HTML, JavaScript, and CSS will make using Bootstrap easier. You must know about the MVC (Model-View-Controller) backend. Design concepts and web applications are two things you must know about before you start using Bootstrap.

In addition, a basic understanding of the JavaScript library, jQuery will make Bootstrap operation easier.

Steps to Installing Bootstrap

After you install the framework, you must link it to all source files. Here’s how you can install this front-end development framework on your device.

  1. Open your browser and search for the Bootstrap home page.
  2. Click on the download link to install it on your computer.
  3. There will be a section below named “Compiled CSS and JS” which is the compiled code for the open-source framework.
  4. Download the compiled code with the provided link.
  5. Remember that this download will save in the ZIP drives of your laptop or PC. You can also choose your own saving location for the ZIP folder.
  6. Next, open the ZIP drives and extract the saved files. Double-click to extract both CSS and JS files to one folder.
  7. Now you have to put your website’s HTML files and the ZIP files in the same folder to link them.
  8. Click on the HTML file or files you want to use Bootstrap on.
  9. When you right-click the files and choose the “open with” option, it will allow you to pick which text editor you want to open the files with.
  10. Now, open your HTML files header and add the framework’s links to it.
  11. ‘Meta’ and ‘Title’ lines in the header are where you must insert your Bootstrap links.
  12. To use any of the Bootstrap elements, click on options such as “Layout”.

Benefits of Using Bootstrap


Bootstrap is an open-source tool that’s not only free but lets you easily integrate with LESS, Saas, or CSS. Beginner developers can easily utilize their basic understanding of programs like JS and HTML to operate Bootstrap for web development. In addition, there are no repetitions in design if you’re working on multiple projects.

Quick Responsiveness

Developing a responsive website is crucial. Bootstrap lets you create websites that can easily open in all screen sizes and resolutions with its fluid grid feature. You can also choose which layout components show on which screen sizes. With Bootstrap, you won’t have to add any media queries due to the straightforward process of data entry.


The tool is compatible with all browsers so you won’t have to download any extensions or specific browsers for usage.

Consistent Design

All Bootstrap themes and templates come with consistent designs to improve the consistency of your website.


You can customize the framework according to your project requirements. In CSS and JS files, you can deduct any common elements you don’t want to include in your website layout or design such as popovers, dropdowns, etc.


The interface of the Bootstrap front-end development tool is very easy to understand and navigate. The customer support team quickly answers users’ queries and concerns. Most users ask questions or report problems on Github where they get quick responses from the support team.

Now that you know how Bootstrap helps in web design and where to install it, you can create efficient website layouts with this front-end development tool.

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