DeskPins Review


DeskPins is a simple program designed to allow users to prioritize windows without consuming system resources excessively.

This program boasts an intuitive user experience with unlimited pinning of app windows and allows multiple pinned windows to layer upon one another. Compatible with Windows 11 without requiring administrator privileges for operation.

What is DeskPins?

If you’re an active multitasker who uses multiple programs simultaneously or simply participate in Twitter chats and online discussions where keeping tabs on tweets while remaining engaged in conversation is crucial, DeskPins can be an indispensable helper in staying on task. The freeware program allows you to “pin” any window so it will remain at the top of the stack so it is easier for you to focus on whatever activity is at hand.

DeskPins makes using windows more manageable. All it takes to use it is clicking the program’s icon in your system tray or pressing its designated hotkey and left-clicking the title bar of any window you want to pin up front, followed by left-clicking its title bar again to pin it. A push pin will appear to let you know it has been secured; to remove, simply click either on it again or the program’s icon in your system tray.

Though DeskPins doesn’t come equipped with as many features, it is easy to use and light on system resources – perfect for prioritizing and staying on task without all of the extra “features” found in similar programs.

How does DeskPins work?

DeskPins is an elegant program that makes keeping an active window always at the top easy, although its last update occurred back in 2017. Even without frequent updates or support from its developers, DeskPins continues to perform flawlessly and can be operated using either mouse clicks or keyboard shortcuts.

Once installed and opened, programs typically offer a system tray icon which you can click to pin windows. Doing this keeps them at the forefront among all other windows open; additionally they’ll also feature a small pin mark on their title bar for easy identification.

To unpin windows, click or press the DeskPins icon in the system tray or use its hotkey; or right-click a pinned window and select “unpin” from its context menu. DeskPins is a free program that makes computer work much more bearable – you may not realize its usefulness until after using it a while – then wonder how you ever lived without it!

Does DeskPins work on Windows XP?

DeskPins offers users who find programs stealing focus from the window they need a great solution. This free application enables you to tack any window atop all other windows on the screen with just a quick tap from either your system tray or hotkey, with additional options such as an auto pin rule which activates whenever an application launches – particularly helpful during Twitter chats and other events where keeping tabs on conversations while working in another window simultaneously is key.

The program itself is an extremely lightweight application that consumes very few resources while running, meaning it won’t bog down your computer and won’t disrupt your work flow. Furthermore, there are various settings you can adjust such as pin color, tracking rate, and many other features – plus keyboard shortcuts to quickly activate its functions!

DeskPins make it easy to pin any window, while simultaneously blocking other windows from moving over it. This ensures full control of your pinned window while being used with other applications – and may help avoid accidental closing of an active window!

Overall, DeskPins is an effective program to assist those needing to monitor multiple windows at once while working. It is simple and effective. There may be other programs on the market which provide similar functionality; however, for those needing an easy solution that should already be taken care of by Microsoft this might be ideal.

What are the main features of DeskPins?

DeskPins is a free utility designed to increase productivity for Windows users, offering them the ability to pin any open window to their desktop desktop without being obscured by other windows; once pinned it can only be unpinned by clicking on its icon in the system tray or using its hotkey. DeskPins offers unlimited pinned windows support as well as any window size or resolution support.

DeskPins may offer some advanced settings, but its use won’t put too much strain on system resources and memory usage. Furthermore, its simple yet intuitive user interface makes the program particularly helpful in an open workspace such as coding environments where programs may get easily lost among others they are working on – for instance IDE’s can become obscured over time by other programs so DeskPins helps keep their windows at the front while clearing away non-development related programs that would otherwise obstruct access.

DeskPins not only allows users to pin any program window, but can also create virtual workstations with up to 4 virtual desktops per monitor – giving users the ability to better organize programs and tasks into different categories for improved time and workload management. This feature can especially come in handy for video game and movie users navigating between windows that might not necessarily relate to one another.

DeskPins doesn’t offer many other significant features besides that of prioritizing work and improving productivity, such as blocking programs that autoload at startup or blocking ads that appear randomly across screens. If you require such features in an advanced program, consider Dexpot; otherwise if you just want something simple that does its job without breaking the bank (Dexpot may offer these too). That being said, DeskPins is worth exploring; its simplicity can help prioritize work and boost productivity significantly – try it today if interested! Mac users interested in this type of tool should check out Afloat which offers similar free alternatives!

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