How to Perform a Website Audit With WebSite Auditor

As with a car, websites need routine maintenance in order to stay running efficiently. A website audit can identify problems and offer solutions; additionally, it can allow you to benchmark against competitors and identify growth opportunities.

WebSite Auditor provides a one-stop solution to optimize both on-page SEO and technical SEO with its single tool. It helps identify technical errors quickly while offering page-by-page analysis with step-by-step advice for further optimization of both on-page and technical SEO.

Page speed

An audit can help identify and resolve errors on your site before they become major problems, improving page rankings, reducing bounce rates and increasing conversions while also identifying growth opportunities. You could even conduct one on competing websites to see what works for them and incorporate their techniques into your own strategy.

Technical website audits are critical in order to meet search engine requirements and offer the optimal user experience on any website, particularly one being used by people of differing Internet speeds. An audit can reveal issues which affect performance such as loading speeds.

Audit tools provide features that allow you to optimize specific pages, making implementation of changes much simpler. You can even create a checklist of tasks you wish your developers to complete and ensure clear communication of needs to them and an increase in overall site quality.

As important as it is to optimize for technical aspects of your site, optimizing for user experience and speed should not be ignored either. Google has confirmed this fact with their ranking factor announcement and slow loading websites can lead to higher bounce rates, reduced page views, or cart abandonment on e-commerce platforms.

WebSite Auditor is an industry-leading on-page SEO audit tool that makes optimizing webpages for search engines easy. Offering step-by-step advice and in-app editing to speed implementation. Incorporating TF-IDF analysis tools that identify keyword stuffing or topic gaps.


Being mobile-friendly is essential to ensure visitors can quickly locate information and take actions on your site, improving their experience and encouraging repeat visits. Even one second delay in page load time can decrease conversion rates by 7%! To make your website mobile-friendly, utilize tools such as Google Mobile-Friendly Test or Lighthouse Site Audit Tool within Google Webmaster Tools for free auditing tools that will assist.

WebSite Auditor stands out among free online auditing tools by offering an intuitive WYSIWYG interface and providing step-by-step SEO advice as you type. It lets you easily edit meta descriptions, review alt texts for images and analyze internal links – all to increase on-page SEO performance – plus it gives a live preview of Google snippets!

WebSite Auditor can do much more than optimize content; it can also assist with technical issues that impact page speed and site performance, identify errors in HTML/XML sitemaps quickly and efficiently, improve the user experience by tracking how long visitors spend on your website and what actions they take while there, as well as track any visitors that leave directly after landing there.

Mobile-unfriendly pages can have a serious effect on search engine rankings, leading to lower click-through rates, higher bounce rates, reduced engagement levels and conversions. A website audit is an invaluable way of discovering and correcting these errors – while there may be free online auditing tools available, they may not always provide accurate or helpful solutions – just like when your car shows a warning light, you would visit a mechanic to address its issues.


WebSite Auditor offers an intuitive user interface that makes getting started easy. It shows tips tailored specifically to your page so you can make improvements and measure results more quickly. Furthermore, it lets you customize which columns appear alongside links so that reports generated can reflect most effectively your project goals.

Website audits help you pinpoint any issues on your site that could compromise user experience or affect search visibility, such as broken links, duplicate content or lack of mobile-friendliness. Furthermore, an SEO audit may reveal missed sales opportunities or leads as well as errors that prevent Google indexing your website.

An SEO audit is the foundation of any successful website project and essential for increasing organic traffic. This process involves analyzing a site’s performance and identifying areas for optimization that need attention – including technical and on-page issues. Furthermore, auditing can also help increase conversion rate performance as well as user engagement levels.

The SEO audit tool performs an audit on your webpages and compares them with those of top competitor pages in search engine results, before providing advice for optimizing them based on best practices and the competition’s strategies. Furthermore, this tool identifies keywords which may not be driving enough traffic and offers solutions on how you can enhance them.

An audit can help refocus your marketing efforts on people first and search engines second. An audit may uncover new SEO opportunities that could increase conversions; pages needing updating or assets that should be removed from indexation may be identified during such an examination process; as well as technical tweeks which will boost performance and help create an effective privacy policy that fulfills compliance regulations.

Meta data

As part of any website audit, it is crucial that you review each page’s meta data and optimize your content in accordance with search engines’ algorithms. Doing this can ensure your website remains visible to search engines and prevent penalties being levied against it later. Performing a site audit also identifies areas requiring attention such as duplicate content, missing meta descriptions or titles and shorter than optimal titles that should be updated immediately.

An SEO website audit will uncover a host of SEO opportunities you might otherwise miss, such as duplicate content, broken links and technical errors that need fixing; compliance with ADA/WCAG standards; database structure issues or indexing problems on the site itself – among many others.

WebSite Auditor is a comprehensive SEO tool that will assess all aspects of your website, such as its design, usability, search engine optimization (SEO) and web standards compliance. It will help identify any errors with your site that prevent search engines from indexing it properly while also suggesting ways to enhance user experience and drive conversions.

Website audits can also help uncover and address any black hat SEO techniques used to boost rankings in the past. Such techniques include link farming, keyword stuffing and cloaking practices which were once effective but now penalised by search engines. A site audit will enable you to address such problems before they incur penalties, as well as realign your SEO strategy with users rather than following new algorithm changes blindly.


Content is at the core of every website, and an SEO audit can help improve search engine optimization. An audit can identify issues that are blocking traffic or keeping your site from ranking highly; and can identify any load speed issues on the site that need fixing. Typically, an SEO audit starts by inspecting its structure for broken links to better understand where visitors may be leaving and which types of content generate conversions most effectively.

After you have conducted your quantitative inventory, it’s time for a qualitative content audit. Thankfully, this step can be performed more easily using Screaming Frog to perform crawls; just copy and paste your results into an Excel sheet tabbed spreadsheet for easy reference or simply download our website content audit template from here!

Content audit templates offer several columns for recording specific aspects of a page’s title, meta description and URL. They’re color-coded so you can get an instantaneous snapshot of its state – such as whether to keep, kill or clean up its content. Once analyzed qualitative content can help identify which parts should be kept or dropped altogether.

As you analyze the content on your website, take note of its business goals and how well it meets them. For instance, articles which generate leads but lack organic search traffic might make great candidates for rewriting and optimizing. By using WebSite Auditor tools quickly update pages with improvements that increase organic searches while decreasing paid ads.

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