What Is VirtualBox?


VirtualBox is a free software program that enables users to experiment with different operating systems safely on a virtualized environment without risking their actual PC. This makes VirtualBox ideal for IT administrators, developers and other technical professionals.

Snapshot function of Virtual Box enables users to capture the current state of a virtual machine and revert back to it when required, saving both time and effort during software testing and development processes.


VirtualBox not only allows users to simultaneously run multiple operating systems, but it also offers the capability of taking snapshots of virtual machines (VMs). Snapshots allow you to restore an exact state of a VM at any time – which is especially handy when working with software or testing new hardware configurations. Taking a snapshot saves both time and effort when working with software updates or trying out different hardware configurations; moreover it removes any risk associated with losing important data!

VirtualBox stands out among virtual machines by supporting various USB devices. You can connect printers, Wi-Fi adapters, web cameras and external hard disk drives directly to a virtual machine for use – saving both time and effort in terms of manual driver installation processes for these devices.

Oracle VM VirtualBox also features an internal network that enables VMs to communicate with each other and the host system, assigning individual IP addresses for easy communication among them and giving access to similar file systems and applications as the host system, making their use simple and effortless. Furthermore, this internal network creates a safe, isolated environment.

VirtualBox stands out with its wide compatibility across operating systems. It supports both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows, Linux, Mac OS X Solaris Open Solaris as host operating systems; in addition, VirtualBox uses open virtualization format (OVF), making sharing virtual machines much simpler across various platforms.

This program uses software-based virtualization, which involves simulating an OS’ entire hardware platform without using its CPU’s hardware emulation features. This method enables it to run on hardware that does not support VT-X or VT-d while still performing faster than hardware emulation methods.

Technical professionals and developers often utilize VirtualBox for testing programs in an isolated environment without disrupting real systems and programs. Furthermore, VirtualBox serves as a great means to transfer software between computers without encountering compatibility issues or compatibility issues when switching them over directly.


VirtualBox is a virtualization program for Intel and AMD-powered computers that enables users to run multiple operating systems at the same time. The program works by creating separate virtual environments for each OS on a computer and is fully seamless in operation; users are free to interact with both environments independently from one another – while still having full use of their physical machine! VirtualBox supports all major OSes like Windows, Linux, Oracle Solaris and macOS without impacting each other – while extending technical capabilities of any compatible device.

To download the most up-to-date version of VirtualBox, visit its official website and follow the appropriate link for your operating system. Oftentimes, installation will begin automatically and quickly. VirtualBox will display a warning that network connectivity may temporarily be lost as it loads the necessary driver for its virtual interfaces. Following that, the installer will prompt you to choose where you would like the program files installed as well as create shortcuts and file associations. Guest Additions, a proprietary feature pack designed to extend the functionality of the program and offer features such as RDP support, PXE ROM support, disk encryption and NVMe storage solutions, can also be installed. In order to enable these features you must read and agree to their license agreement.

Once VirtualBox is installed, creating a new virtual machine can be accomplished by selecting the New button from its main menu. After entering a name for your VM and choosing its type (Linux is currently defaulted); other options and settings may also be selected and personalized according to individual requirements.

Once you’ve created a virtual machine (VM), simply double-clicking to activate it is all that’s required. Your VM will run in its own window so any clicks or keystrokes only affect it and not your actual computer. To shut down, select Options then Shutdown button from Options menu; alternatively you may use keyboard and mouse controls of virtual machine for further adjustments and performance optimizations.


Oracle VM VirtualBox offers an impressive variety of networking capabilities for virtual machines. It supports various network configurations and allows users to set port forwarding, as well as serial ports and shared folders. Network configuration can be handled through both graphical interface and command line tool VBoxManage.

Host and guest can communicate using the network interface, which can connect to either a private or public network. DHCP service can be enabled or disabled for easier IP assignment by the host machine to its guests, while the NAT mode isolates them from physical network usage yet allows access to Internet resources.

Selecting the optimal network mode depends heavily upon what your VMs will be used for. If they will merely become part of your home network and easily accessible by other devices, Bridged Adapter might be appropriate; otherwise NAT Network, Internal Network, and Host-Only Adapter could provide more advanced features like simulation or running servers inside guest VMs.

Bridged Adapter networks allow VirtualBox VMs and host machines to share the same network adapter. It is the default setting in VirtualBox and it provides for quick setup of new VMs without additional networking settings requiring configuration; also providing them access to the Internet quickly.

A NAT network is an internal type of network which permits outgoing connections from virtual machines (VMs). To set up such an internal NAT network for use with your VM, navigate to the Network tab of its settings and choose NAT Network from Attached to dropdown menu. Next, complete all required fields in this dialog, such as network name and prefix IPv4, as well as making sure Enable DHCP is checked off.

Host-only networks are private software-based networks designed to facilitate communication only between a host machine and one or more guests, such as SSH connections. They offer an efficient means for administrators who require remote access from one machine to access guest machines remotely for administrative tasks such as SSH.


VirtualBox software utilizes computer virtualization technology to allow multiple operating systems to run on a single physical machine at the same time, creating a logical separation of operating system components while still permitting users to manage and interact with individual VM environments. This level of versatility increases productivity while improving system security while allowing installation of outdated operating systems that might otherwise not be supported by current hardware/software solutions.

VirtualBox supports various disk image formats, including VDI, VHD and VMDK files. Images may be fixed or dynamically allocated. Dynamically allocated images require less storage space initially since Oracle VM VirtualBox only writes to those disk sectors that have changed since their last write operation – yet each new sector written causes the file size to expand until reaching the maximum capacity set when creating it. This may cause performance penalties until this occurs and stabilizes itself again.

Oracle VM VirtualBox’s Multiattach Mode enables disk images to be attached simultaneously to multiple virtual machines running different host operating systems, regardless of whether the machines use differencing images for read or write operations. As each attachment creates differencing images for read/write operations, this can result in an intricate tree of differencing images with parents, siblings and children depending on how many machines use the image simultaneously.

Shared folders enable files to be shared between host and guest operating systems in much the same way as Windows folders, making file copying between systems much simpler – something which can prove invaluable for various applications. In addition, Drag & Drop functionality can be configured so as to work bi-directionally between both OSs.

VirtualBox also enables you to clone an existing VM and make identical copies (clones). This feature can be helpful when testing new software or disaster recovering, though if there’s ever an issue with your virtual environment or its data it is crucial that a professional data recovery service such as SalvageData be contacted immediately for help.

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